Portable Backup Batteries For Households

Update On Solutions To Power Outages.

Providing One Portable Back Up Battery(https://power.tenergy.com/tenergy-t320-portable-power-station-300wh-backup-lithium-battery/) to each household would cost in excess of $100,000.

Supplying them only to the Island’s affordable housing residents, would cost in excess of $50,000. No determination has been made yet of how much funding TIDA(https://sftreasureisland.org/contact) may be able to commit to such a program.

TIDA is weighing this potential expense against the cost of planned and proposed investments intended to limit the number and/or extent of outages. For example, TIDA already authorized the SFPUC to order several transformers to replace existing transformers in the residential neighborhood which should be delivered and installed by the end of June, and TIDA is working with the SFPUC and the developer on engineering solutions to further isolate the residential neighborhood from the rest of the island grid. Both of last week’s outages were related to issues south of 9th Street.

TIDA is striving to protect the residential area from system problems that are not directly within the limits of the residential area so that the residents will not lose power in events like those of the 6th and 11th. The second challenge that we are investigating is how logistically any purchase/distribution might be made. There are limitations on TIDA’s (or any public agency’s) ability to spend public funds to directly purchase items and give them away. TIDA is investigating options for how we might execute a program if/when we move forward.

We overall are seeing if partnership with One Treasure Island , TIDA will allow them to fund these back-up batteries for our community, If the government is unable to help then we will work with private partners to raise money donate these directly to households!

Barklee Sanders